General sites for Molecular Biology |
TOP - Central sites - Groups America - Groups Europe - Groups Other - Gold mines |
Central sites
- EMBL: European Molecular Biology Laboratory (Heidelberg, Germany)
- EBI: European
- NCBI: National Center for Biotechnology Information (Bethesda, USA), with links to NLM and NIH
- ExPASy: ExPASy server of the Geneva University Hospital and the University of Geneva.
- Am Peptide Soc: American Peptide Society, promoting advancement in the knowledge of the chemistry and biology of peptides and proteins.
- CASP: Protein Structure Prediction Center: central site with access to the results from the protein structure prediction contests (CASP).
Groups America
- NIGMS: Structural Genomics Initiatives
- Structural Genomics Consortium: Structural Genomics research centers supported by NIGMS
- Johns Hopkins: The Johns Hopkins University BioInformatics Web Server
- UCLA: Bio informatics center at University of California Los Angeles
- USGS: The U.S. Geological Survey maintains this registry of Earth and Environmental Science Internet resources as a service to the research community.
- Harvard Bio: Harvard, Boston, U.S.A., Biosciences.
- Harvard CBR: Excellent collection of WWW services at the Center For Blood Research
- Harvard Med: Medical Harvard Medical Web
- Nebraska Univ: WWW links and other resources
- BSGC: Berkeley Structural Genomics Center
- JCSG: Joint Center for Structural Genomics
- MCSG: Midwest Center for Structural Genomics.
- NYSGRC: New York Structural Genomics Research Consortium.
- NESG: North East Structural Genomics Consortium.
- SECSG: South East Collaboratory for Structural Genomics.
- Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Website: Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Structural Genomics Consortium.
Groups Europe
- Cambridge Univ: Univ. of Cambridge, U.K., School of Biological Sciences.
- Copenhagen CBS: Center for Biological Sequence Analysis, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Dublin Trinity: Bioinformatics links at the Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, Bioinformatics.
- Duesseldorf Bioinf: Yahoo-like Web directory for bioinformatics from the University of Duesseldorf, Germany.
- Duesseldorf BioinfTools: List of WWW services in bioinformatics from the University of Duesseldorf, Germany.
- Helsinki CSC: The Finnish EMBnet node.
- Madrid CNB: Protein Design Group at the CNB, Madrid, Spain.
- Salzburg CAME: Services provided by Centre of Applied Molecular Engineering (Sippl) at Salzburg University (threading, structure evaluation
- Zuerich ETH: The Computational Biochemistry Server at ETHZ (Univ. Zuerich, Switzerland)
- Structural Biology Industrial Platform: European industry effort to promote structural biology research, training and education.
Groups Other
- Australia ANGIS: Australian The Australian National Genomic Information Service.
- Japan GenomeNet: GenomeNet WWW Server, Japan.
- Israel Weizmann: The Bioinformatics Unit and Genome Resource Core (BIGROC) at the Weizmann Institute of Science.
- Japan SOKEN: Japan Links from SOKEN Taxa server in Japan
Gold mines
- USA ATCC: American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) is a global bioscience organization that provides biological products, technical services, and educational programs to private users.
- Pedro: USA: An extremely comprehensive collection of WWW links to information and services useful to molecular biologists.
- Pedro: Germany: "
- Pedro: Switzerland: "
- Amos Bairoch: WWW links of Amos Bairoch (father of SWISS-PROT, Basel, Switzerland), sorted by subjects.