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- Volker Eyrich (Columbia Univ, Chemistry Dept.) has written a general interface that enables users to simultaneously submit a sequence to a wide variety of prediction services (submission page).
- You submit your sequence once (paste into WWW form), and you get results from currently more than 10 different programs via email.
- The following services are available at the moment:
- Miscellaneous services
- SignalP prediction of presence and location of signal peptide cleavage sites in amino acid sequences from different organisms
- NetOglyc prediction of mucin type GalNAc O-glycosylation sites in mammalian proteins.
- NetPicoRNA predictions of cleavage sites of picornaviral proteases.
- ChloroP predictions of whether or not a protein contains an N-terminal chloroplast transit peptide, cTP, and of probable sites for cleavage of the transit peptide.
- Secondary structure prediction
- JPRED consensus method for protein secondary structure prediction.
- Transmembrane helices
- TMHMM prediction the location of transmembrane helices and their topology.
- TOPPRED prediction of location and orientation of transmembrane helices.
- DAS prediction of location of transmembrane helices.
- Threading (remote homology search)
- FRSVR prediction-based threading, also incorporating purely sequence-based database searches.
- SAMT98 hidden Markov model method (SAM-T98) for finding remote homologs of protein sequences.
- Homology modelling
- SWISS-MODEL prediction of 3D structure by homology modelling (automated server).
- CPHmodels prediction of 3D structure by homology modelling through a collection of methods and databases developed to predict protein structures.
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