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Brief introduction to PredictProtein
- Database searches:
- generation of multiple sequence alignments
( MaxHom)
- detection of functional motifs
- detection of composition-bias
( SEG)
- detection of protein domains
- fold recognition by prediction-based threading
- Predictions of:
- secondary structure
( PHDsec, and
- residue solvent accessibility
( PHDacc, and
- transmembrane helix location and topology
( PHDhtm, PHDtopology)
- protein globularity
- coiled-coil regions
- cysteine bonds
- structural switching regions
( ASP)
- Evaluation of secondary structure prediction accuracy
( EvalSec)
- See also:
: an automatic evaluation of prediction methods
Brief introduction to META PredictProtein
- Database searches:
- prediction-based threading, also incorporating purely sequence-based database searches (FRSVR)
- hidden Markov model method (SAM-T98) for finding remote homologs of protein sequences (SAMT98)
- Predictions of:
- presence and location of signal peptide cleavage sites in amino acid sequences from different organisms (SignalP )
- mucin type GalNAc O-glycosylation sites in mammalian proteins (NetOglyc )
- cleavage sites of picornaviral proteases (NetPicoRNA )
- whether or not a protein contains an N-terminal chloroplast transit peptide, cTP, and of probable sites for cleavage of the transit peptide (ChloroP)
- secondary structure consensus between various methods (JPRED)
- location and orientation of transmembrane helices (TMHMM)
- location and orientation of transmembrane helices (TOPPRED)
- location of transmembrane helices (DAS)
- 3D structure by homology modelling (automated modelling, SWISS-MODEL)
- 3D structure by homology modelling using a collection of methods and databases developed to predict protein structures (CPHmodels)
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