Example for requesting to return the 1D structure prediction in RDB format
Bold face: keyword "return phd rdb"
What is RDB?
RDB stands for 'Relational Data Base'. The format is basically defined by :
- HEADER COMMENTS : lines starting with hashes (#) are treated as comments
- BODY LINE 1 : the first non-hashed line is interpreted to contain the names, separated by tabs
- BODY LINE 2 : the second non-hashed line may contain information about the column formats, separated by tabs
- BODY LINES 2/3-end : all other non-hashed lines contain the data
Note: this format is written and read by all local copies of the programs PHD and TOPITS.
Input (request of you)
Joe Sequencer, Department of Advanced Protein Research,
National Univeristy, Timbuktu
return phd rdb
# sh3
Output (result returned)
- Block with sequence alignment.
- Block with information about prediction method.
- Block with prediction in default format.
- Block with prediction in RDB format (shown here):
- 1st column sequence in one-letter code
- 2nd column A secondary structure in three states helix H, strand E, rest L
- 2nd column B relative residue solvent accessibility
- 3rd column strength of prediction (0 low, 1 high)
PHD prediction in CASP2 format
see above